Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day 358: II Peter 1:1 - 3:18

As Christians, we sometime tend to develop this mentality that it's somehow our job to keep tabs on the false teachers and ones responsible for misleading God's children and that somehow we should see to it that they're taken care of. In this passage, Peter reminds us that although there definitely is a problem with those sort of people and we should be aware of who they are and what they're doing, it's not our job to see to it that they "get what they deserve." Peter cites specific examples of times when God took care of situations like that and pulled men and women of God out of horrible situations because they turned to Him and put their faith in Him. It's easy today to look at our society and get hung up on all of the horrible things that people are preaching and doing, but God wants us to remember that vengeance is His and they our job is to simply continue on with the job that He has given us. If we will put our focus on loving God and loving people, He will see to it that the rest is taken care of.

- Lord help me to not get hung up on the false teachers and prophets trying to lead this generation astray. I know that if I will just stay the course and trust in You, You will see to it that everything is taken care of. -

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