Friday, August 6, 2010

Day 348: I Thes 1:1 - 5:28

The book of I Thessalonians is a good book to read to be reminded that it's important to regularly evaluate our lives as believers and make adjustments accordingly. In general, we could agree by Paul's letter to Thessolonica was a positive one commending them on their faithfulness and solidarity in the faith, but it's interesting that he was also sure to give them a few specific pointers of things that they need to work on and focus on. All too often, Christians tend to look at their faith and relationship with God and assume that since there aren't any huge problems, everything is perfect, but we need to understand that it's not only healthy, but also essential to be aware not only of the things that we're doing good, but also the things to work on in order to truly live the life that God has called us to.

- Lord, help me to be mindful of the things that I need to change and improve in my relationship with You. Help me to never get to the point where I think that there's nothing left for me to work on because I know that a relationship with You is a progression and it's all about learning and growing in You. -

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