Thursday, August 5, 2010

Day 347: Col 1:1 - 4:18

The book of Colossians is an excellent reminder of the fact that Jesus doesn't simply intend for us to make Him a small part of our lives, He wants us to make Him the primary focus of our lives. It's very easy for believers to take Jesus and throw Him into the mix with all of the other influences and and emotionally stimulating things in our lives, but we have to learn how to exalt Him high above anything else in our lives. Jesus is not just one of the benefits to living this Christian life, He is the absolute reason we live and we will never truly live until we've made Him the paramount center of our lives. Some of us even have to be reminded each and every day that He is the only reason we exist and He is the one Who will truly make our lives worth living. If you're at a point right now where you feel like perhaps you've put God somewhere far down the list of priorities, I would encourage you to read this book another time or two and make a decision today to put God back where He belongs in your life.

- Lord, forgive us for oftentimes adding You to the list of focuses and obligations rather than placing You at the very top of the list. You are the only reason we're alive and we need Your strength daily to be able to keep that priority. Thank You for Your grace and for loving us no matter what! -

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