Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day 343: Gal 4:1 - 6:18

I love this passage because it reminds us and encourages us in the fact that we are not just followers or slaves of the Most High. We're not even just his children, we are the heirs of God and heirs to the promises and covenants that He has offered. It's so easy to look at God and think of Him as some sort of big, omnipresent, being that orchestrates everything according to how He feels, but never really pays attention to us as individuals. But we are reminded in this passage that in being in Christ, we don't just have access to His provision, we are guaranteed through His covenant to receive the full inheritance. We as believers need to understand that all we have to do is know and understand what God has promised us, and step up and accept it and we can have it. There's a big difference between blindly demanding something simply because we think we deserve it and boldly standing before the throne and accepting what has already been promised. If we will stand before the throne with a bold understanding of what God has already promised us, we too can live in the abundant inheritance that God is offering us.

- Father, help me to stay in Your Word so that I can fully know and understand the inheritance that You have promised me. I don't want to to be guilty of ignorantly demanding something just because I think I somehow deserve it, but rather I want to be able to come boldly into the throne of grace knowing exactly what You have promised me. -

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