Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day 352: Titus 1:1 - Phil 1:25

The book of Titus appears to be all about "doing good." One would initially assume that doing good would be at the very top of the average Christians to do list, but sadly, alot of Christians are too preoccupied with their own plans and their own agendas that they fail to focus on the simple acts of doing good. Paul encourages us in the book of Titus to do good not for our own sakes or so that we can get some sort of recognition or thanks, but to do good because we are representatives of Jesus and we are called to show love to others just like God is love. Until we as believers can get to the place where we are living our entire lives motivated in love, we will never fully reach the potential that God has called us to. These lives we live are meant to be given away and lived for someone else. We see in the Bible that we are commanded to strive to live our lives just like Jesus did, and I think we can all agree that He not only lived His life for others, but He was willing to give it all up so that we could be saved.

- Father, help me to not get tired of doing good. I know that You have called me and commanded me to live a life focused on other people and not myself. Thank You for the opportunity to reach the lives of others so that they might know the love that You have for them. -

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