Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day 353: Heb 1:1 - 6:20

I think in our modern society, the comparison of Jesus as our high priest has somewhat lost its meaning. But for the Hebrew people, that description of Him could not have been more specific. The Hebrews were not only familiar with concept of the high priest, but they were eternally indebted to him because of the fact that their eternal well-being lied primarily in his hands. The priest was not simply a pastor like we today are familiar with. The high priest was the only connection that the Hebrew people had with God. If they needed anything from God, they had no chance of even asking without the help of the high priest. If they had committed sins and needed to ask God for forgiveness, they had no other option but to go to the priest. When Jesus died on the cross, he didn't eliminate the office of high priest, He simply placed Himself in that office so that we no longer had to go through an imperfect person to commune with a perfect God. We now have the opportunity to commune and communicate with God directly because the one connection we have with God is God Himself!

- Lord, thank You for sending Your Son to be our High Priest. Father, thank You for giving us the opportunity to connect directly with You so that we no longer have to go through a man to speak to our Heavenly Father! -

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