Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day 357: I Peter 1:1 - 5:14

This passage, similar to Philippians, provides a good deal of encouragement for believers who are going through difficult times. It's easy when we go through something difficult to lose faith and feel like perhaps we've made the wrong decisions or done something wrong, but we are encouraged in these passages to take joy whenever we go through difficult times. Peter reminds us that the devil wouldn't be attacking us if we weren't a threat to him so that fact alone is a good indication that we are on the right track doing what God has called us to do. We have to learn to take the correct perspective when it comes to dealing with difficult times and remember that as long as we give Him control, God can take care of anything that comes our way. Nobody ever promised us that the Christian life would be without difficulties and trials, We've just been guaranteed support from the One who created life and Who can turn any situation around if we will put our faith in Him.

- Lord, thank You for holding my hand throughout all of the trials and tribulations that have come my way. I pray that I will remain encouraged all the way through the difficulties knowing that You are there and You will give me the strength to overcome any and all of the attacks by the enemy. -

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