Thursday, May 28, 2009

Day 281: Matt 21:1 - 22:46

One of my favorite stories about Jesus comes in Matthew 21 when He went and kicked over the tables in the temple while the people were selling and cheating people. This has always been such a wonderful story because if there's ever a place in the New Testament that shows the fiery passion of Jesus, it's right here. So often people think of and refer to Jesus as some timid little sissy who never does anything to offend anybody and yet we see in this example that there's no way he could have timidly kicked over the tables and threw out the merchants. Jesus then explained to the Pharisees that that He came to be the "Rock of offense." Jesus said that He came so that those who stumbled on Him would be broken and those whom the stone falls on would be crushed. What He meant by all of this was that He came to shed light on all the sinfulness of humanity. As we go throughout our lives, we are not to simply ignore the worldly things going on around us and turn a deaf ear to the sins of this world. We need to take a cue from our Savior and let them all know what God really things of their sinful lifestyles.

- Father, help me to not be timid about Your Word. Give me the strength to take a cue from Jesus and stand up unashamed for the truth that You have shown me. Let me not fear what this world can do to me because You will always protect me as long as my eyes are on You. -

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