Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Day 253: Ez 38:23 - 40:49

I always love seeing how differently God uses different people. Basically, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel are about the same thing and yet we see three totally different presentations. In Isaiah, the prophet is very simple and matter of fact. He explains that the people of Israel did wrong, he tells them the consequences, and that about it. In Jeremiah, the prophet lets the Israelites know how stupid they have been acting and assures them very strongly that their horrible actions deserve even more horrible punishments, but I personally felt a great deal more emotion coming from Jeremiah than Isaiah. And then we are able to read in Ezekiel that God used a completely different tactic with this prophet. Instead of just repeating what God told Him, Ezekiel was able to see incredible visions and God performed amazing miracles to illustrate what he wanted the people to hear. Understanding this concept does alot to strengthen my faith personally. It's easy to see the way that one person's ministry is going and assume that mine should go the exact same way, but God wants us to remember that He works differently through different people and it's not our job to determine how He works, it is simply our job to allow Him to work in us and through us.

- Lord, help me to not put You in some sort of religious box. Help me to remember that You work differently through different people and my job is to simply open myself up and let You work mightily through me. -

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