Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Day 260: Dan 11:1 - Hosea 2:23

It's very interesting to me that God chose to reveal thins regarding the end-times to people in all sorts of different periods in the Bible. The "end-times" has often been such a volatile subject because there are many who don't want to even think about it, and then there are many who are unable to focus on anything but, I think God bringing it up numerous places throughout the Bible is a good reminder for us that although that's not the only subject of the Bible, it is something we should remain mindful of. And no matter how we interpret the cloudy, shadowy subjects of the end-times, there is one truth that will always remain clear - the righteous will rise again to be with our Lord. Once again, we see the theme of Redemption. Even when death enters the picture and tries to end it all for us, God will be right there to pick us up so we may go to Heaven to spend eternity with Him!

- Lord, help me to keep the end-times constantly on my mind. Not so I can bring up unnecessary arguments, but so I can remember that I will end up with You when it's all said and done and my job here on this earth is to make sure everyone I come in contact with will be right there with me! -

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