Thursday, May 14, 2009

Day 272: Zech 13:1 - Mal 4:6

The book of Malachi seems to be the perfect way to end the entire Old Testament. The words in this book are so incredibly relevant to the Church today. Sure there have been passages about how cursed the people will be who don't follow God and there have been passages about the body of believers that completely twists and distorts the Word of God, but I really like this book because it highlights a much more common (and just as dangerous) problem within the church - The trivialization of God's Word. So often it seems that believers think that it's the preacher's job to to really be concerned with the Bible and all I have to do is go every once in a while so I can hear a nice message and give God a tip. In the book of Malachi, God calls us back to living a life that is completely passionate about our Father in Heaven. It is not only up to those of us in the ministry to dig deeper into the Word of God. It is the responsibility of every single one on us as Children of God to devote our lives to getting closer to Him and going out into all of the world so we can spread the love and passion of our Lord to everyone we see!

- Lord, ignite that flame of passion in our hearts once again. Help us to burn brightly for You so we can take Your Word and Your love out into this dark loveless world. Show us how to love You with every fiber of our being and how to be passionate about You without any regard to how it will enhance our own lives. You are everything to us and we want to show You with our lives! -

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