Friday, May 8, 2009

Day 258: Dan 4:37 - 7:27

The second of the popular stories in this book is the story of Daniel in the lion's den. Honestly, the moral of the story is incredibly similar to the previous one, but I do have something a little different to talk about. There are alot of Christians who seem to take it very personally when someone talks bad about or mistreats them. They walk around all day long on egg-shells trying not to offend anyone or hurt their feelings. Then, when something happens and someone does get upset with them for following God, they take it personally and allow it to destroy them. Not once do we see Daniel crumble under the pressure and decide to give up. Daniel simply let those people try to do their worst to him and then stood by while they discovered that there was nothing they could do to him. Although there are things that people can do to us, nothing man could ever do could come close to matching the power that our Lord has.

- Father, help me to never fear what man can do to me. You are my Father and I know that as long as I'm in Your will, You will take care of me till the very end no matter what the world may try to throw at me. -

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