Thursday, May 14, 2009

Day 269: Zeph 2:1 - Zech 1:21

Once again, our reading has spanned 3 different books of the Bible, but this time, I want to focus on the first book - Zephaniah. Whereas most of the books of prophecy have focused on the nation of Israel and the judgment placed on them and carried out by Babylon, this book focusses on basically the same concept, only on a much greater scale. The book of Zephaniah is focussed on Judgment Day at the end of time when God will judge all the nations of the world. This book focusses on many specific nations and explains what will happen to them, but of course we understand that the point is that justice will be served. Judgment Day is a very interesting subject that has been trivialized by modern media and religion. There are many Christians out there who have no concept of judgement day. It is our job to stand up and let our generation know that there will come a time when we will all stand before our Creator and give an account for what we have done. Fortunately, those of us who have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior will have out place in Heaven - and that is what we are responsible for proclaiming.

- Father, help us all to not lose sight of the importance of Judgment Day. Help us to live our lives with a sense of urgency that will push us towards doing everything we can to bring as many people into Your arms. -

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