Thursday, May 21, 2009

Day 278: Matt 13:37 - 15:27

In this passage, I want to focus mainly on the treatment that Jesus got from His own family when he was ministering there. I would like to say that I could never be stupid enough to behave like those people did, but I would be willing to bet that I've been guilty of the exact same thing. It seems as though it is human nature to lose respect for those closest to us. When somebody we don't know tells us something serious, we straighten up and do what we're told, but when someone close to us tells us the same thing, we tend to shrug it off as if they have no idea what they're talking about. Of course, we as earthly humans usually do that because we are aware of some sort of mistake that the other person has made that we are aware of, but these people couldn't possibly be aware of any mistakes Jesus made because He never made a single one! Nonetheless, We need to learn to respect those closest to us when God uses them. We may be aware of their short-comings and mistakes, but if we truly love them, we must also be aware of the anointing that God has placed on their lives, and understand that He is willing to use anyone who is willing to be used.

- Lord, help me to never lose respect for those closest to me being used by You. Help me to understand that their past doesn't necessarily have an effect on the call You have on their lives right now, and that if You have anointed them and spoken to them, it's my responsibility to listen. -

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