Friday, May 8, 2009

Day 257: Dan 2:27 - 4:36

The story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego is one of my favorite stories in the Bible and definitely one familiar to anyone who's gone to church or children's church. We learn a very simple, very important lesson from this story. We as Christians should never be afraid to walk through the fires that this life comes at us with. So often we see people of God who are more concerned about self-preservation than they have ever been about advancing the kingdom of God. It's interesting to note that if these three men had just been obedient and blended in with the rest of society, they probably would've gone right on living and probably would've died comfortably at an old age, but the amazing work that God had called them to do would have never been accomplished and history may have been changed forever. If we will be faithful and be willing to say no to the things of this world and be willing to walk right into the fire, not only will God protect us, but He will walk right beside us. Notice that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego made a difference, but they made it inside the fire, not on the sidelines. You may be in the fire right now, but just remember that maybe that's exactly where God wants you to be so you can do exactly what God wants to you to do.

- Lord, give me the strength to look to You through the flames. Rather than focusing on the heat and the fact that I'm in the middle of a fire, I choose to focus on You and the fact that You are the only One keeping me from burning alive. I know that if I will keep my eyes fixed on You, I will come out on the other side without so much as the smell of smoke on me. -

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