Monday, May 18, 2009

Day 276: Matt 9:27 - 11:30

In chapter 10, Jesus outlines some very basic principles for us going out and preaching His Gospel. I know alot of people who have just gone out without a plan or any sort of guidelines and have tried to preach the Gospel. Although I wouldn't say that those people are totally wrong - I mean at least they're doing more than most for the Kingdom of God, I do believe that there is alot to be said for thinking things through and listening to God's guidance. We are all called to go out into the world and preach the Gospel to every living creature, but just as Paul didn't do the exact same things and go to the exact same places as Jesus, there are basic principles that we must follow, but then there are things that only God's guidance will be able to show us. God has not called me to repeat the ministry of someone else, He has called me to specific things that only I can accomplish. And yet those specific things will never be accomplished if I don't follow the basic principles lined out in God's Word. I supposed the point I am trying to make is that our lives of ministry require a certain balance between following certain rules and principles, and following whatever God tells us to do regardless of how difficult or crazy it may sound.

- Lord, help me to strike the proper balance as I go into the world to preach Your Gospel. I know that there are certain principles that I need to follow and help me to keep those in mind while at the same time keeping my heart open to receive all that You want to tell me. -

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