Friday, June 19, 2009

Day 298: Luke 9:1 - 10:17

I've always thought that the story of the "Mount of Transfiguration" was always somewhat of a comically sad story. In some aspects it just seems funny because I can't help but imagine how goofy Peter, James, and John must have looked experiencing all of that amazing power, but it also has a sad connotation to it because we realize that despite the fact that these guys spend alot of time with Jesus and was with Him all of the time, they still didn't have a clue about what was going on. There are so many Christians out there today who get so caught up in the "circumstances" and the excitement of God moving that they completely ignore the fact that they are in His presence. Rather than getting all caught up in making some sort of monument by which to remember this exciting event, they should have directed all of their focus on their Creator and the only reason that they were even able to enjoy the experience in the first place. When our focus becomes God's hands and not His face, we will find ourselves in a place where neither is available.

- Lord, help me to seek Your face rather than You hands. You are an awesome God and although Your works are incredible, they would mean nothing if You weren't the working force behind them. -

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