Saturday, June 6, 2009

Day 287: Mark 4:29 - 6:30

For this passage, I want to focus on a very small but powerful point from the story of the Gaderene Demoniac. It's so incredibly intriguing to me that amidst this powerful, excited story, we read towards the and that the people got mad and asked Jesus to leave. After the Son of God came to their area, delivered a man from satan's power, and showed the amazing strength of His Father in heaven, all the people could think about was their own shallow desires and possessions. We as Christians must remember that we can never make everybody happy. Regardless of how obedient we are to God's Word, there will inevitably be someone nearby who disagrees with our decision and is somehow disappointed with it. We have to understand that instead of living our lives to make people happy, the only One that we need to bend over backwards to please is our Heavenly Father. As long as God is happy with us, the entire world can be at our throats and it won't mean a thing.

- Father, help me to remember that You are the only one that we need to please. The world will always be able to find something to get upset about, but give me the strength to not let their opinions have even the slightest effect on how I respond to Your calling. -

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