Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Day 290: Mark 10:26 - 12:26

The story of Blind Bartimaeus is one of the more popular stories of healing in the Bible and it's also one of the more powerful stories. Many times when we read stories like this, we only focus on what God did and the power that He exhibited, but we never really take the time to focus on the faith of the people who received the healing. How sad would it have been if Bartimaeus did exactly what the disciples told him to do and just shut his mouth? Unfortunately, there are plenty of "believers" out there today saying the same things and crushing the faith of others in the exact same way. People say things like, "well, God just doesn't work like that," or "God only helps those who help themselves," and rather than bringing life and blessing, they bring doubt and curses on everyone around them. Rather than taking their example, we need to follow the example of Bartimaeus. Whether or not he felt like it, he ignored the comments of those around him and yelled even louder, and in doing so, he not only God Jesus' attention, but He got the blessing that he had been believing for!

- Lord, help me to take the example of "Blind Bartimaeus" and not allow the religious people around me to shut me up. When they do try to make me be quiet, give me the strength to cry even louder so that I can exercise my faith and get the blessing that You have promised me from the very beginning! -

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