Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Day 4: Gen 10:21 - 13:18

The first part of this group of scriptures is mostly genealogy and explanation of who gave birth to who and how long they lived and so forth and so on. To be honest, it's a little difficult to really glean a whole lot of deep revelation from these sorts of verses, but I do feel like God showed me one thing about it all - It's always important to remember where you came from. That doesn't mean that we're supposed to live in the past, but our past is there for a reason and it wouldn't be right to completely forget everything that God has done for us. Recently, my sister and I went with my dad to a family reunion and it was so interesting to meet all of those people that we never knew and find out a little bit more about what makes our father the way he is and what makes us the way we are. God gave us a memory for a reason. If we weren't supposed to recall the past, He would've made us in such a way that once something happened, we never thought of it again. And what kind of a horrible life would that be?

The second part of this passage is the introduction to the story of Abraham. Just like Noah, God spoke to Abram and gave him instructions on what He wanted him to do. The big difference in this story is that God told Noah pretty much everything that he needed to do and how it would be done and what the result would be. God laid it all out for Noah. With Abram though, God only gave him a little bit at a time. Gen 12:1 - "God told Abram, 'Leave your country, your family, and your father's home for a land that I will show you'." Notice that God hadn't shown Abram the land yet. All Abram knew was that there was some mysterious land that God wanted him to move to - and that was enough for him.

- Lord, help me not to forget about my past and about the the things that You've brought
me through. Help me to remember the blessings that You've placed on my life and the grace
that You've shown me especially when I didn't deserve it. Lord speak to me and tell me where
You want me to go and I will listen. I won't wait for a deeper explanation of what You mean,
and I won't sit around waiting for more instructions. If You tell me to go, I will go. -

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