Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Day 11: Gen 30:21 - 31:55

To be honest, this part of chapter 30 has always bothered me a little bit. I've never really been able to tell if this is in the Bible to show what a great idea God gave Jacob or if it's in there to show us how dishonest Jacob was. I suppose this isn't anywhere near as bad as Laban promising Jacob a certain wife and then switching them though. Nonetheless, I think what I  get from this passage is that even when Laban didn't want to help Jacob out, God gave him a clever idea of how to make a deal and come out on top. Sometimes it's easy to think that God only gives us these high and lofty spiritual ideas, but he really does help us out with the day to day tasks if we'll just trust in Him

- Lord, help me to remember that You're there not only to help us with getting people saved or changing the world, but You also know how to give us clever ideas and show us simple solutions to life's problems. Help me to keep my eyes on you and remember that You want to help us through life, no matter how menial the task may be. -

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