Monday, December 14, 2009

Day 330: Rom 4:1 - 7:25

Grace is always such an interesting topic of discussion because no matter what we say or do, it is always human nature for us to think of anything God offers as us something that we must earn or buy. God's grace is something that none of us could ever earn and yet each and everyone of us can have it. All too often, we find ourselves focusing on the part of grace that deals with us when, in reality, God's grace has nothing to do with us and everything to do with Him. Some Christians tend to view God's grace as some sort of "get out of jail free pass," giving them a license to sin all they want. On the other end of the spectrum are the people who think that we must somehow earn His grace by doing as many things as possible right and avoiding doing anything wrong. The problem with both of these beliefs is that they are focussed on the recipient and not the giver. God offers us His grace not because of who we are or aren't, He offers is because of Who He is. And we can see that when we are truly living in the grace of God, the very grace that He gives will provide us with the strength and fortitude necessary to live Godly, righteous lives not in an effort to earn His grace, but as a direct result of the grace He has given.

- Father, I want to live my life in the light of Your grace. I know that there is no possible way that I could earn Your grace, all I can do is humbly accept it and allow You to make the changes in me that are necessary to live the life that You have ordained. -

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