Saturday, June 13, 2009

Day 294: Luke 1:63 - 3:15

The story of Jesus' parents finding Him at the temple "attending to His Father's business" is one of the coolest stories in the Bible. Interestingly enough, it seems there are many Christians today who seem to find themselves in the exact opposite situation. Our business should always be to attend to our Father's business first and foremost and yet there are alot of Christians who tend to put that on the back burner. When our Father comes looking for us, He should be able to find us in His presence attending to the things that He has called us to do rather than finding us minding our own business and trying to make our own little thing happen. And just like Jesus parent's seemed to surprised to find Jesus in the temple, others should never be shocked to find us putting our focus on God. In order to truly live a blessed life, we must all learn to put God first and attend to our Father's business before any other.

- Lord, I want people to find me in Your presence every time they come looking for me. Help me to keep Your business in the front of my mind and not let anyone or anything ever distract me from that. -

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