Thursday, June 4, 2009

Day 286: Mark 2:1 - 4:28

I think it's very important to pay close attention to the relationships that Jesus had with the "sinners" of the day. There seem to be two primary schools of thought when it comes to relationships with unsaved people, and neither is at all correct. The first is that people read stories such as the one towards the beginning of Mark 2 and think that their job is to spend all of their time out in the world hanging out with sinful people in sinful places in order to be a "light" by simply having a good time with other people. The other is that we as believers are supposed to stay as far away from sinful people so as to not get contaminated with their disgusting sin. It's interesting because both of these concepts have a little bit of truth and a little bit of a lie. Just like everything else in this life, we must learn the very important lesson of moderation. The best example I could possibly give is the example that Jesus Himself gave us. Consider a doctor. How effective would a doctor be if he never even came near a sick person? Sure he could learn alot about conditions and come up with some really wonderful ideas, but without making contact with the people who have those specific conditions, he will never truly be able to help them. On the other hand, how effective would a doctor be if all he did was provide company for the sick people who came into his office? If all he did was "Be an example" to those sick people, not only would the sick never recover, but he would undoubtedly become infected by their own sickness eventually. We must understand that it is our job as representatives of The Most High to bring the solution to those with the problem, but we must also spend time with other believers so that we can learn and develop and grow in an environment that encourages that type of growth. Yes, spending time with sinners is imperative in order to share the Gospel with them, but spending time with believers is just as important for our spiritual man.

- Lord, help me to remember that oh-so important concept of moderation in everything I do. Give me faith to go out into the darkness and shine Your light, but also give me the wisdom to come back into Your light in order to re-charge and get ready to go back out for You! -

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