- Lord, help me to be obedient to Your Word and go into all the world and preach to all those I come in contact with. Help me to not shy away from what You have told me to do, but rather go after it with all my strength. You have given me a job to do and I will do it! -
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Day 293: Mark 15:47 - Luke 1:62
Mark 15:15 - 20 is such a powerful passage because it is another version of the Great Commission from the end of Matthew. It's sad to think about how many people spend their entire "Christian" lives accomplishing and living for anything and everything except what is outlined in this group of verses. There are so many people, even in the ministry, who would view this charge as something that some Christians should do if they get a chance, but not necessarily something that we should all do. That idea is both ridiculous and blasphemous because Jesus never put a disclaimer or some sort of condition on the command that He gave us. He simply said ,"Go." Our job is not to sit around and try our best to help those who come to us, out job is to go out and preach the living Gospel to everyone we meet. And preaching the Gospel doesn't mean keeping your mouth shut and hoping that they see how "great" your life is. Preaching the Gospel means stepping out and vocalizing what God has done in you and what He will do in those around you if they will accept Him.
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