Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Day 285: Matt 27:50 - Mark 1:45

I have to say that of all of the books of the Bible, I've probably read the book of Mark more than any other. I primarily love the book of Mark because I tend to think that it was written by someone who thought more like myself. The book of Mark isn't about thoughts or concepts or ideas, it's about action. Many people refer to this book of the Bible as the "action Gospel" and for good reason. I think that when we are spreading God's Word, there is definitely a place for discussing the deeper ideas and concepts of the Bible, but oftentimes, people get so caught up in the little details that they fail to present the point of the entire Bible - Jesus and His resurrection. I think we could all take a cue from Mark and remember that we must always keep the main thing the main thing. Rather than spending time trying to convince people of details that don't matter, we need to stand firm and present to them the real, powerful, living Word of God.

- Father, help me to be more like Mark in the way I present the Gospel to others. Rather than letting them know my opinions about irrelevant subjects, give me the wisdom to present Your Word in such a way that it becomes real and alive to all those who hear it. -

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