Monday, April 26, 2010

Day 339: II Cor 1:1 - 4:18

For today's post, I would like to focus less on what Paul said and more on how he said it. I love reading anything Paul wrote because he gives us such a wonderful example of how to lead a body of believers. It's obvious in reading the second book of Corinthians that someone in the congregation was stirring up trouble regarding Paul's authority and his motives. It's encouraging to see just how Paul handles this type of drama. I know there are alot of ministers out there today who would have most likely spent pages and pages writing about how hurt their feelings were and trying to find every emotional reason to defend themselves and their authority. But we see here that Paul simply addressed the issue, reinforced his authority, and then went on with his responsibility of being their pastor. So often, we as believers waste our time trying to involve our emotions and opinions in how we lead others and in doing so, we often neglect to carry out the purpose that God has given us for this time. We need to understand that although God gave us feelings and opinions, they are indications of where we have been and are in no way responsible for determining how we should live. I encourage you to lay down your emotions and simply focus on what God has called you to. Not only will it allow His message to ring out all the clearer, but it will also simplify everything inside of you so that all that is coming out of You is straight from God.

- Father, help me to keep my feelings and opinions out of the way when dealing with other believers. Your Word has shown time and again that I have authority over my emotions and if I will exercise that authority, I will find myself that much closer to living out the call that You have placed on my life. -

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