Monday, July 13, 2009

Day 307: John 1:21 - 3:36

In John 3, we read the story about Jesus discussing the topic of salvation with Nicodemus. I've always found this passage interesting because it's such a good reminder of the fact that not everybody can understand our "Christian-ese" sort of speech. I remember when I was younger reading this story and thinking that Nicodemus must have been really dumb to not understand what Jesus was talking about. But as I've gotten older and had the opportunity to share my faith with so many other people, I've begun to learn that not everybody speaks the same language as those of us who have been raised in Church. When faced with this situation, Jesus didn't walk away disappointed or discouraged because Nicodemus didn't understand, He simply used wisdom from above to re-present it to Nicodemus in such a way that was easier for him to understand. We can take comfort in the fact that although we may not always now exactly what to say right off the bat, if we will be faithful to open our mouths, God will show us what we need to say in order to truly speak into the lives of those who we are ministering to.

- Lord, give me the wisdom necessary to minister to those in need of a touch from You. Help me know exactly what to say and how to say it so that they can hear exactly what they need to hear. Even if I don't know the language, You always do. -

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