Monday, August 16, 2010

Starting Something New

After I finished writing my devotional on reading the Bible in 1 year, I honestly was a little bit worried because I wasn't sure I could think of anything else to do to keep myself in the Word. Of course, God is always faithful and when we put our faith and trust in Him, he does a good job taking care of things for us. God gave me a very excited plan to go through the entire Bible once more only this time, I'll be reading through it in 9 months rather than 12, and every sunday evening, I'll be preaching about the previous weeks reading at Ellipsis Youth ministries. I'm really excited about this new prospect because I think it will really give all of our youth kids the opportunity to read through the Bible if they can, and even if they miss some days or just abandon it altogether, they will still be able to learn the Bible in order through the sermons I will preach. I've put together what I think is I really good reading plan for the next 9 months and I've been working it into a few different formats in case others would like to be a part of it. Currently, I have a list of all of the passages that I can email to anyone who wants it, and I will be posting the passages every day on Twitter (EllipsisLBK) and facebook (Ellipsis Youth Ministries). I'm also working on importing the entire reading plan into Ellipsis's Google Calendar and sharing it with anyone and everyone who would like to be a part of this exciting new venture. Hosea 4:6 tells us that "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge," and the only way that any of us will ever gain more knowledge about what God's will is for our lives is to dig into His Word and see for ourselves. In addition to the reading plan, I will also be posting all of my sermons online in podcast form. For iTunes users, you can click here, otherwise everyone else can just click here. If you have any questions or would like more information on the reading plan and how you can team up with us, send me an email or leave me a message on Facebook or Twitter. I would like to say thank you to everyone who has walked through this with me and who has been faithful to read all of my ramblings and comment and critique all that I've said, and I hope that you will all stick with us as we walk through the next part of this journey together!


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