Monday, August 2, 2010

Day 342: Gal 1:1 - 3:29

In this passage, we see a very common principle throughout this part of the New Testament - faith vs. works. I have to say, I love how one can read the New Testament and pick out so many places where the writer could have just as easily been writing to the church today. At the beginning of this passage, Paul discusses the fact that the church in Galatia had forsaken the Gospel that they had originally heard and decided to follow a newer more palatable "gospel." What other "gospels" have we been exposed to and possibly found ourselves listening to? As we've discussed before, every lie has a seed of truth, and the Devil knows that the best way to deceive believers is to feed them a little bit of truth along with a huge helping of lies. We need to remember that no matter what we hear or who we hear it from (even if an angel says it to you - Gal 1:8) if it can't be backed by God's Word, it's not the truth and we risk more than we could ever imagine by making that "gospel."

- Father, help me to remember to weigh everything I hear by Your Word. I've seen firsthand what can happen when believers are deceived by a fake "gospel," and I won't allow that to happen to myself or those around me. Give me the wisdom and foresight to never present a gospel other than the true Gospel in Your Word so that I will always find myself strengthening the body of Christ rather than pulling it down. -

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