Monday, August 16, 2010

Starting Something New

After I finished writing my devotional on reading the Bible in 1 year, I honestly was a little bit worried because I wasn't sure I could think of anything else to do to keep myself in the Word. Of course, God is always faithful and when we put our faith and trust in Him, he does a good job taking care of things for us. God gave me a very excited plan to go through the entire Bible once more only this time, I'll be reading through it in 9 months rather than 12, and every sunday evening, I'll be preaching about the previous weeks reading at Ellipsis Youth ministries. I'm really excited about this new prospect because I think it will really give all of our youth kids the opportunity to read through the Bible if they can, and even if they miss some days or just abandon it altogether, they will still be able to learn the Bible in order through the sermons I will preach. I've put together what I think is I really good reading plan for the next 9 months and I've been working it into a few different formats in case others would like to be a part of it. Currently, I have a list of all of the passages that I can email to anyone who wants it, and I will be posting the passages every day on Twitter (EllipsisLBK) and facebook (Ellipsis Youth Ministries). I'm also working on importing the entire reading plan into Ellipsis's Google Calendar and sharing it with anyone and everyone who would like to be a part of this exciting new venture. Hosea 4:6 tells us that "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge," and the only way that any of us will ever gain more knowledge about what God's will is for our lives is to dig into His Word and see for ourselves. In addition to the reading plan, I will also be posting all of my sermons online in podcast form. For iTunes users, you can click here, otherwise everyone else can just click here. If you have any questions or would like more information on the reading plan and how you can team up with us, send me an email or leave me a message on Facebook or Twitter. I would like to say thank you to everyone who has walked through this with me and who has been faithful to read all of my ramblings and comment and critique all that I've said, and I hope that you will all stick with us as we walk through the next part of this journey together!


Saturday, August 14, 2010

Day 365: Rev 20:1 - 22:21

Wow, I have to say that I could not imagine a more beautiful and inspiring way to end the book of all books. It's exciting to realize that by this point you have read through the entire Bible and know just a little bit more about what God is trying to say to His people. I recall how the first few entries made at the beginning of this great journey were very focused on redemption. How fitting that this last passage that we've read be focussed on the very subject. From the first book of the Bible until the last, we still see God's main theme of redemption. Whether this is the first time you've ever read through the Bible or the hundredth time you've read through it, I guarantee there's something new that you learned through this journey. God speaks to His children in many different ways and His written Word is one of the ways that we can see beyond a shadow of a doubt God's will for our lives. We learned in Romans 10:17 that "Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God," and we can be encouraged knowing that if we will continue not only reading in our minds, but reading out loud and hearing the Word of God spoken that our faith will be strengthened and we will be more equipped to carry out the plan that God has placed on our lives. I would encourage you to take everything that you have learned throughout this last year of reading and continue to apply it every single day as you go forward with God. God didn't simply give us His Word for our own benefit, but He spoke it to us so that we can take it into the world and speak it to every living creature. You have been given a light - the light of the Word, and if you keep it hidden, it will eventually go out. Thank You so much for reading through the Bible with me this year and I pray that you will continue on, whether with the same reading plan or something more complicated, beginning tomorrow.

- Lord, thank You so much for sending Your Word down to Your people. We see throughout these Scriptures that You could not possibly be anything but a loving and merciful God. Thank You for all that You've done and the love that You've shown to Your people and for Your willingness to put into writing all of the things that are necessary for life and living. Give me the strength to go out into all the world and preach the Gospel to every living creature and show me how to love them with a love that could only come from You. Thank You for the redemption that You freely offer anyone who is willing to accept it. Thank You for sending Your one and only Son to die on the cross for the sins of all mankind and for the opportunity that You have given each and every one of us to accept that. Bless everyone who has read this book along with me and help us all to never ever lose this passion that You have placed in our hearts to dig farther and deeper into Your Word. Thank You again for this incredible book and for all of the blessings that You so freely give, in Jesus Name Amen. -

Day 364: Rev 17:1 - 19:21

There are alot of people out there who read the book of Revelation and then find themselves devoting hours and days and sometimes entire lifetimes trying to unravel the secrets of the end-times. They do their research and they cross reference and they do everything they can possibly do to figure out exactly when Jesus is coming back for His bride and they try to figure out the exact circumstances surrounding that event. Sadly, I don't believe that this was God's intention at all when He told John to write these things down. The book of Revelation is not so that smart Bible scholars can devote everything they have to solving the puzzle, it's a book warning us of things to come so that we can wake up and do the one thing that we are all specifically created to do - reach this world. This book was written so that we would be just a little bit more motivated to go into the world and preach the Gospel. If we truly love the world and if we truly want to see them brought to Jesus and rescued from sin and death, understanding what will happen to them if they're not reached should be more than enough motivation for us. I would encourage you as you get ready to finish the book of Revelation to consider those who could possibly be caught up in all of this punishment and torment and make a decision right now to take responsibility and not let that happen. God has given us instruction, He's given us encouragement, and now He's even shown us what will happen to those who aren't reached because we didn't tell them. From this point on if we don't share our faith, it's not because we were ignorant of the importance of sharing, it's out of disobedience to what we know is God's will.

- Lord God, help me to take what I've seen in the book and use it as a huge motivation to go out and reach this world and this generation. I don't want to see anybody go through the torture and torment that awaits them if their name isn't written in the Book of Life and I will do everything I can to bring as many people out of that future as possible. -

Friday, August 13, 2010

Day 363: Rev 13:1 - 16:21

My goodness, the severity and scope of the wrath of God in these passages is simply mind-boggling. I can see how someone unfamiliar with God and how He works could possibly look at these verses and think, "How could a loving God do all of this to people?" The first time I was presented with this question, I have to admit that I wasn't really sure how to answer it. But after getting to know my Father a little bit more, I've come to realize that none of these things were done because God was mean or wanted to do them to people. All of this will happen as a result of the human race choosing rebellion over obedience. The simple fact that God is warning us about all of this is a pretty big indication of the fact that He is more merciful than any of us would ever be. This book is a warning of what God will be forced to do to those who refuse to accept Him and chose to follow the sin and selfishness that plagues our world. God is a just God and justice will be served. It's up to us whether or not we will be a part of it.

- Father, thank You for being merciful on us and letting us know what terrible things will happen if we don't choose to follow You. Help us to keep our eyes on You not only so that we can escape Your wrath, but so that we can rescue others as well. -

Day 362: Rev 7:1 - 12:17

As I mentioned yesterday, reading and then writing a commentary on the book of Revelation is not an easy task. After reading this group of Scriptures, I realize even more the fact that I'm not nearly "educated" enough in end-times prophecy to be able to say anything coherent about what the trumpets are, and the angel and the little scroll, and the 2 witnesses, and the lady and the dragon. I'm not at all saying that those things aren't important, but what I am saying is that I, unfortunately, don't even know where to begin to discuss such a subject. What I can talk about is the fact that This entire book of the Bible is such great evidence of the fact that we serve a God Who is truly concerned about His children and what happens to them. It would have been easy for God to just let the human race continue on its own without any knowledge of what was to come, but our Father in Heaven is so in love with His children that He has issued us this prophecy showing us exactly what He plans to do. We would be fools not to take this book seriously and read and know it because whether we like it or not, the end is near and we all have to be ready for what God is planning to do.

- Lord, thank You for loving Your children enough to issue us this warning and let us know exactly what You plan to do. Help us to stay faithful to You and keep this book of prophecy always in our hearts so that we will be ready when the time comes for You to take Your bride back to Heaven with You. -

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day 361: Rev 1:1 - 6:17

I have to be completely honest and admit that the book of Revelation was the one book that I was most nervous about writing a commentary for. I mean seriously, I've read this book more times than I can remember and I still have such a hard time understanding any of it. But while I was reading the first part of this book, God brought my attention not to all of the doom and gloom and scary stuff but rather He brought my attention to the fact that He was willing to do all of this and reveal everything to a fragile, imperfect human being. Oftentimes we read this book and we take into consideration all of the end times prophecy and doom and gloom but fail to think about the fact that God was willing to get that close to a human and reveal that much to him simply because He wanted to. And the amazing thing is that God wants to have that sort of open communication and relationship with each and every one of us. I don't necessarily think that John was somehow a super special person that was created better than all of the rest just so he could be shown this incredible awe-inspiring spectacle. I think God was simply looking for someone to speak to about this and John was there ready to listen. I encourage you to open up your heart and really find a way to listen to what God has to say because you never know what He may reveal to you.

- Lord, show me how to get my heart in the right condition so that I can hear Your voice like John did. I want to make myself available to You to hear and see everything You want me to hear and see so that I, like John, can bring it to the rest of the world and help reveal Who You really are to them! -

Day 360: II John 1:1 - Jude 1:24

In the book of Jude, the church is reminded to keep a watchful eye out for those who would sneak into the body of believers with the sole purpose of corruption. It's sad that this is even a problem, but it's no secret that while many churches and ministries are out there trying to take care of others and make changes in their world, there are people trying to sneak in through the back door to gain anything and everything that they can from those ministries. God knows that one of the quickest and easiest ways for the devil to keep his grasp on our society is by polluting the very thing that has been called and commissioned to save this world - the church. We as believers and ministers need to learn how to always be prepared and always be armed and ready for attack from all fronts. Just like the men of Gideon who went to the brook and took a drink while constantly looking around ready for action, we too should be ready to defend the work of God at any moment from any side.

- Father, help us all to be watchful of those who would try to attack the work that You have called us to do from the inside. Help us to know how to deal with them in love and give them the help that they need to join with us rather than work against us. Also help me to keep my heart right and pure so that I am always working out of love and so that I never find myself working against the very thing that You have created me for. -

Day 359: I John 1:1 - 5:21

John has often been referred to as the "Beloved Disciple" or the "Disciple of Love," and after reading I John, it's easy to understand why. John put such a huge focus on the subject of love and the fact that God is love and for good reason. Even back then, nearly 2000 years ago, the church was struggling with the fact that unless they learn to love as God loves, they don't belong to God. Too often, believers get caught up in their own ministries and their own efforts to placate God and forget about the 2 primary commandments that we were given - love God and love people. If we really dig down and find out what love really is and what it really means to love another, we find out that it is truly impossible for us as humans to truly and completely love one another. We see that the only way to truly love one another is to allow God's love to flow through us. We can all take joy in the fact that if we have given our lives to Christ and abide in Him, we too can love as God loves.

- Lord, thank You for the love that You have given me. Thank You for not only loving me personally, but also for giving me the ability and strength to love others with a love that doesn't come from me, but comes straight from You. -

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day 358: II Peter 1:1 - 3:18

As Christians, we sometime tend to develop this mentality that it's somehow our job to keep tabs on the false teachers and ones responsible for misleading God's children and that somehow we should see to it that they're taken care of. In this passage, Peter reminds us that although there definitely is a problem with those sort of people and we should be aware of who they are and what they're doing, it's not our job to see to it that they "get what they deserve." Peter cites specific examples of times when God took care of situations like that and pulled men and women of God out of horrible situations because they turned to Him and put their faith in Him. It's easy today to look at our society and get hung up on all of the horrible things that people are preaching and doing, but God wants us to remember that vengeance is His and they our job is to simply continue on with the job that He has given us. If we will put our focus on loving God and loving people, He will see to it that the rest is taken care of.

- Lord help me to not get hung up on the false teachers and prophets trying to lead this generation astray. I know that if I will just stay the course and trust in You, You will see to it that everything is taken care of. -

Day 357: I Peter 1:1 - 5:14

This passage, similar to Philippians, provides a good deal of encouragement for believers who are going through difficult times. It's easy when we go through something difficult to lose faith and feel like perhaps we've made the wrong decisions or done something wrong, but we are encouraged in these passages to take joy whenever we go through difficult times. Peter reminds us that the devil wouldn't be attacking us if we weren't a threat to him so that fact alone is a good indication that we are on the right track doing what God has called us to do. We have to learn to take the correct perspective when it comes to dealing with difficult times and remember that as long as we give Him control, God can take care of anything that comes our way. Nobody ever promised us that the Christian life would be without difficulties and trials, We've just been guaranteed support from the One who created life and Who can turn any situation around if we will put our faith in Him.

- Lord, thank You for holding my hand throughout all of the trials and tribulations that have come my way. I pray that I will remain encouraged all the way through the difficulties knowing that You are there and You will give me the strength to overcome any and all of the attacks by the enemy. -

Day 356: James 1:1 - 5:20

I think the book of James is an important one to read after Hebrews because he reminds us that although faith is incredibly important, it's absolutely worthless if we don't add any works to it. I can't even count how many times I have told someone that I have complete faith in God and that I believe that He can take care of any problem no matter how big and then I've turned around and ignored what He told me to do because I thought I saw a better way. We can say that we have complete trust in God until we're blue in the face, but until we actually act on what God has told us to do, we have absolutely nothing. God doesn't just want our support or our mental assent that He is God and He loves us, God wants us to put our money where our mouth is, so to speak, and prove our faith and reliance upon Him.

- Lord, help me to add action to the faith that I have in You. Help me not to just sit around saying that I have faith, but give me the strength to stand firm and act on what You have told me not because I have faith in my own ability to hear or even in the act of faith itself, but because I have complete and total faith in You.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day 355: Heb 11:1 - 13:25

It would seem almost preposterous to read over Hebrews chapter 11 and not say anything about faith. The one phrase that stuck out to me more than any other is in verse 6 when the writer says, "Without faith, it is impossible to please God . . ." I don't think we put enough emphasis on that verse. It's easy to take that verse and argue that it's just referring to having faith that Jesus died on the cross and rose from the grave for our sins, but when taken in context with the rest of the chapter, we see that the writer wasn't simply referring to believing in something, he was describing people who lived their entire lives completely sold out on believing that God would provide for them. I'm not saying that people who live a simple, clean, quiet Christian life won't make it to heaven, but what I am saying is that if we aren't living our lives to the limit; if we're not taking active, straightforward steps into the unknown simply because God told us to and we have complete trust and faith in Him, then there's no way we could believe that we are truly pleasing God. God can only truly be pleased with us when we are willing to put all of our faith, all of our trust, all of our confidence, all of our hope, and everything we have into doing what He has called us to. God doesn't want most of us. He wants all of us.

- God, I want to live a life completely sold out and passionate about You. I don't want to go throughout my life believing in something but never acting on it. When I die and go to heaven, I want to know that I did everything in my human ability to please You by living a life defined by faith. -

Day 354: Heb 7:1 - 10:39

As interesting and deep as the old covenant has always been to me, it seems to add an entirely new dimension when viewed in the light of the new covenant as we read here in this passage. If there's one thing that definitely stuck out to me in this passage, it is the fact that unlike my initial picture of the old covenant and tabernacle being mostly clean and solemn and pristine, the old covenant was incredibly messy and uncomfortable. I'm not sure why I've always only picture the golden lampstands and small little fires and the quiet, still, beautiful golden altar, but we are reminded in this passage that there was alot more to it than that. Not only was a full grown animal slaughtered right there in front of the tabernacle, but it's blood was basically sprinkled on every single thing in that place in addition to all of the people at least once a year. When we think about the blood of Jesus in this sense, it adds and entirely new dimension that I dare say many of us have not thought of. Jesus blood was not simply shed so that it could be poured out on the mercy seat alone, His blood must be applied to every single aspect of our entire lives in order for us to truly live redeemed. We cannot simply rely on Him doing His job and assume that everything has been taken care of. We have to be willing to get messy and allow his cleansing blood to touch every single aspect of our lives. Then, and only then, will we truly be able to live the life of the redeemed.

- Father, I want to apply the blood to every single aspect of my life. Forgive me for leaving certain parts of my life untouched by Your blood and help me to see all of the areas that still need Your blood so that I might live a life completed sanctified for Your will. -

Day 353: Heb 1:1 - 6:20

I think in our modern society, the comparison of Jesus as our high priest has somewhat lost its meaning. But for the Hebrew people, that description of Him could not have been more specific. The Hebrews were not only familiar with concept of the high priest, but they were eternally indebted to him because of the fact that their eternal well-being lied primarily in his hands. The priest was not simply a pastor like we today are familiar with. The high priest was the only connection that the Hebrew people had with God. If they needed anything from God, they had no chance of even asking without the help of the high priest. If they had committed sins and needed to ask God for forgiveness, they had no other option but to go to the priest. When Jesus died on the cross, he didn't eliminate the office of high priest, He simply placed Himself in that office so that we no longer had to go through an imperfect person to commune with a perfect God. We now have the opportunity to commune and communicate with God directly because the one connection we have with God is God Himself!

- Lord, thank You for sending Your Son to be our High Priest. Father, thank You for giving us the opportunity to connect directly with You so that we no longer have to go through a man to speak to our Heavenly Father! -

Day 352: Titus 1:1 - Phil 1:25

The book of Titus appears to be all about "doing good." One would initially assume that doing good would be at the very top of the average Christians to do list, but sadly, alot of Christians are too preoccupied with their own plans and their own agendas that they fail to focus on the simple acts of doing good. Paul encourages us in the book of Titus to do good not for our own sakes or so that we can get some sort of recognition or thanks, but to do good because we are representatives of Jesus and we are called to show love to others just like God is love. Until we as believers can get to the place where we are living our entire lives motivated in love, we will never fully reach the potential that God has called us to. These lives we live are meant to be given away and lived for someone else. We see in the Bible that we are commanded to strive to live our lives just like Jesus did, and I think we can all agree that He not only lived His life for others, but He was willing to give it all up so that we could be saved.

- Father, help me to not get tired of doing good. I know that You have called me and commanded me to live a life focused on other people and not myself. Thank You for the opportunity to reach the lives of others so that they might know the love that You have for them. -

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Day 351: II Tim 1:1 - 4:22

It's important for all of us regardless the size of our ministry to not take lightly the importance of keeping strong relationships with other believers. Sadly, it seems to be fairly common for those who are in charge of some ministries to think that they should just go through everything on their own and figure it all out by themselves. But we need to understand that communion with other believers and relationships with them will not only make things easier on all of us, but those are the types of relationships that truly honor our Father in Heaven. None of us were meant to try this walk of faith by ourselves and God certainly doesn't expect us to try. God has blessed each an every one of us with plenty of opportunities to connect and network with other believers who have the same passions and visions and goals that we do and when we will connect with them and walk hand-in-hand alongside them, there's no telling how far we can take this Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

- Lord, help me to not despise the relationships with other believers that You have made available to me. Help me to be willing and excited to walk hand-in-hand with them so that together we can accomplish all that You have called us to. -

Day 350: I Timothy 1:1 - 6:21

I believe that there's alot to be learned from the dynamic between Paul and Timothy. It's obviously safe to say that Timothy and his ministry would definitely not have been what it was without Paul, but I would also venture to say that Paul's life and ministry would not have been the same had he not had someone life Timothy to sow himself into. I think alot of times believers tend to view themselves as a Timothy needing a Paul in their lives so that they can get some good advice and direction and that's all they need to grow themselves and their ministries. I believe that as important as it is for each of us to have a mentor so that we can learn and be shown the correct way to live out this Christian life, it's also important for each of us to find people whose lives we personally can sow into. We all need to realize that there comes a point when the only way to continue to "fill out cup" is to empty out a little bit into someone else's. This life as a believer is not to simply get all we can, but it is to sow into the lives of other believers so that together we can take this city, state, nation, world, and generation for Christ!

-Father, help me to focus on sowing into someone else's life today. As much as I may desire to advance my own ministry and my own relationship with You, I know that there is someone else out there who needs my help in order to what You have called them to. -

Friday, August 6, 2010

Day 349: II Thes 1:1 - 3:18

Sometimes it's a little difficult to read a book like II Thessalonians and try to write something about it because it isn't exactly one of those huge books full of the spiritual meat and potatoes that make it easy to write about it. But what it may lack in excitement and deep spiritual theology, it makes up for in encouragement. This book is certainly one that contains simple, practical encouragement that we all need regardless of where we are in our spiritual lives. I think perhaps we should take this example of Paul writing to the Thessalonians a simple encouraging letter and practice it in our own lives with those around us. Sometimes we tend to think that when we get around other believers we need to have some sort of deep, theological, life-changing word for them to take and change their entire lives with, but sometimes all we need is a little encouraging word to remind us that God is still watching over us and that His desire is to take care of us and bless the work of our hands.

- Father, help me to remember to encourage those around me whenever I have the opportunity. Lord, we all need to be encouraged now and again and I want to help spread that encouragement across my community. -

Day 348: I Thes 1:1 - 5:28

The book of I Thessalonians is a good book to read to be reminded that it's important to regularly evaluate our lives as believers and make adjustments accordingly. In general, we could agree by Paul's letter to Thessolonica was a positive one commending them on their faithfulness and solidarity in the faith, but it's interesting that he was also sure to give them a few specific pointers of things that they need to work on and focus on. All too often, Christians tend to look at their faith and relationship with God and assume that since there aren't any huge problems, everything is perfect, but we need to understand that it's not only healthy, but also essential to be aware not only of the things that we're doing good, but also the things to work on in order to truly live the life that God has called us to.

- Lord, help me to be mindful of the things that I need to change and improve in my relationship with You. Help me to never get to the point where I think that there's nothing left for me to work on because I know that a relationship with You is a progression and it's all about learning and growing in You. -

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Day 347: Col 1:1 - 4:18

The book of Colossians is an excellent reminder of the fact that Jesus doesn't simply intend for us to make Him a small part of our lives, He wants us to make Him the primary focus of our lives. It's very easy for believers to take Jesus and throw Him into the mix with all of the other influences and and emotionally stimulating things in our lives, but we have to learn how to exalt Him high above anything else in our lives. Jesus is not just one of the benefits to living this Christian life, He is the absolute reason we live and we will never truly live until we've made Him the paramount center of our lives. Some of us even have to be reminded each and every day that He is the only reason we exist and He is the one Who will truly make our lives worth living. If you're at a point right now where you feel like perhaps you've put God somewhere far down the list of priorities, I would encourage you to read this book another time or two and make a decision today to put God back where He belongs in your life.

- Lord, forgive us for oftentimes adding You to the list of focuses and obligations rather than placing You at the very top of the list. You are the only reason we're alive and we need Your strength daily to be able to keep that priority. Thank You for Your grace and for loving us no matter what! -

Day 346: Phil 1:1 - 4:23

The book of Philippians is hands down one of the most encouraging books in the entire Bible. I would venture to say that if you can read through the entire book of Philippians and not even feel a little bit encouraged, there's clearly something wrong with you. I can't tell you how many times I've sat down and opened up this book feeling like the most worthless person in the world and by the time I'm done reading chapter 4, I'm ready to go out and do something for the Lord! In this entire book, Paul reminds us and encourages us in the fact that no matter what we're going through or are about to go through, God is bigger and stronger than any of it. We see that the key to making it through difficult circumstances has nothing to do with our strength or determination, but has everything to do with lifting up our hearts in thanksgiving and allowing God to work through our problems, through our thanksgiving, and through His power to propel us to new heights in Him. God is always faithful to pull us out of any negative situation. We just have to be faithful to rely on Him first.

- Lord, thank You for books like Philippians that we can read to be reminded of Your providential grace and favor in our lives. We know that nothing is impossible through You and all we have to do is set our eyes on You and on Your providence and we can never be let down! -

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day 345: Eph 4:1 - 6:24

Interestingly enough, whereas the first half of the book of Ephesians is all about who we are in Christ, the second half deals with how we should behave in Christ. Sadly, there are alot of believers today who seem to think that because we live under the grace of God, we are allowed to act any way we want and do anything we want because we can just say that we live by grace and then ask God to forgive us and we'll be just fine. But if there's one phrase that clarifies everything, it's 5:1 - "Follow God's example, therefore, as dearly loved children. . ." Our job as believers is not to see how close we can get to the line before crossing it or even figuring out where the line is. Our job is to be imitators of Christ and follow God's example. And, yes, as humans we will inevitably slip and fall, but God knows our hearts and if we will set our hearts towards living a life after His example, He will honor that and give us the strength to do it right.

- Lord, I want to spend the rest of my life following Your example. I know that it's not a task I can complete on my own, but with Your help and Your strength, I know I can accomplish anything. -

Day 344: Eph 1:1 - 3:20

The book of Ephesians is the perfect place for someone to look who has not yet discovered their identity in Christ. It's always interesting reading through the book of Ephesians and being reminded that a large number of encouraging verses of scripture that I learned as a little boy can be found in this book of the Bible. I would venture to say that the average believer today has some sort of identity crisis that is holding them back from where and who they need to be in Christ. But when we open up this book and begin learning exactly what God has done for and promised us, we begin to see that God has ". . . blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ (1:3)," "in Him we have the redemption through His blood (1:7)," and that "it is by grace that you have been saved (2:8)!" God hasn't made this relationship with Him complicated. It's not some sort of cryptic, enigmatic puzzle that we are bound to try to piece together for the rest of our lives. God lays it all out on the table for anyone who wants it. We all have a very specific identity in Christ and if we will take the time to learn exactly what that is, we can finally starting living who we are in Christ.

- Lord, thank You for revealing to me exactly who I am in You. Help me to never forget who and what You've called me to be. I know that Your Word is the blueprint to my life and if I will know and follow what You have said, I cannot fail. -

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day 343: Gal 4:1 - 6:18

I love this passage because it reminds us and encourages us in the fact that we are not just followers or slaves of the Most High. We're not even just his children, we are the heirs of God and heirs to the promises and covenants that He has offered. It's so easy to look at God and think of Him as some sort of big, omnipresent, being that orchestrates everything according to how He feels, but never really pays attention to us as individuals. But we are reminded in this passage that in being in Christ, we don't just have access to His provision, we are guaranteed through His covenant to receive the full inheritance. We as believers need to understand that all we have to do is know and understand what God has promised us, and step up and accept it and we can have it. There's a big difference between blindly demanding something simply because we think we deserve it and boldly standing before the throne and accepting what has already been promised. If we will stand before the throne with a bold understanding of what God has already promised us, we too can live in the abundant inheritance that God is offering us.

- Father, help me to stay in Your Word so that I can fully know and understand the inheritance that You have promised me. I don't want to to be guilty of ignorantly demanding something just because I think I somehow deserve it, but rather I want to be able to come boldly into the throne of grace knowing exactly what You have promised me. -

Monday, August 2, 2010

Day 342: Gal 1:1 - 3:29

In this passage, we see a very common principle throughout this part of the New Testament - faith vs. works. I have to say, I love how one can read the New Testament and pick out so many places where the writer could have just as easily been writing to the church today. At the beginning of this passage, Paul discusses the fact that the church in Galatia had forsaken the Gospel that they had originally heard and decided to follow a newer more palatable "gospel." What other "gospels" have we been exposed to and possibly found ourselves listening to? As we've discussed before, every lie has a seed of truth, and the Devil knows that the best way to deceive believers is to feed them a little bit of truth along with a huge helping of lies. We need to remember that no matter what we hear or who we hear it from (even if an angel says it to you - Gal 1:8) if it can't be backed by God's Word, it's not the truth and we risk more than we could ever imagine by making that "gospel."

- Father, help me to remember to weigh everything I hear by Your Word. I've seen firsthand what can happen when believers are deceived by a fake "gospel," and I won't allow that to happen to myself or those around me. Give me the wisdom and foresight to never present a gospel other than the true Gospel in Your Word so that I will always find myself strengthening the body of Christ rather than pulling it down. -