Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Day 280: Matt 18:21 - 20:34

From this passage, I want to briefly touch on a subject that has long been somewhat of a controversy among believers - The story about a camel going through the "Eye of the Needle." Of course, some take this example as literally as it was stated implying that it is impossible for someone rich to enter God's Kingdom. Others, however, will teach that the "Eye of the Needle" was actually a gate in ancient Jerusalem or perhaps the gate into an inn intended to keep thieves out. Unfortunately, the latter 2 examples may not necessarily be able to be proven. Regardless of what the exact meaning of this phrase is referring to, I think that all too often, people get too caught up in trying to prove a point rather than simply learn from the point being made. Whether Jesus was referring to an actual needle or a gate, the likelihood of anyone entering the kingdom of Heaven on their own is absolutely impossible. It doesn't matter what we do, we could never enter into God's Kingdom on our own. God is the only One who can make that happen and I believe that is the point that Jesus was trying to make. It doesn't matter how strongly we desire it or how confident we are that we will enter His kingdom. Without God living in us and through us, all of our efforts are useless.

- Lord, help me to remember that it's not about my own personal desires or attempts to enter Your kingdom. You are the only Way for me to enter into Your Kingdom and I will put all of my faith in You! -

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