Friday, May 1, 2009

Day 251: Ez 32:32 - 35:15

Chapter 33 deals with the concept of the prophet being the watchmen for his people. In much of the same way, we as believers are to be the watchmen for our generation. God explains to the prophet Ezekiel that, as a watchmen, it's his sole responsibility to report to the people what he sees coming down the road. God explains further that if he sees death and destruction, but doesn't say anything to his people, he will be held responsible for their deaths. Inversely, if Ezekiel sees that death and destruction is coming for his people, warns them, and they just sit by and do nothing about it, when his people are destroyed, he will not be held liable because he fulfilled his responsibility of letting them know. In the same way, if we see that those around us are walking down a path that will destroy them, it is our responsibility to inform them of the error of their ways and help them get back on track. If we aren't faithful to do that, then we are just as guilty as if we had personally pushed them down that road.

- Lord, help me to be a watchman for You. Help me to be faithful and stand firm at my post so that I can be instrumental in rescuing those so close to destruction and helping people turn away from the terrible decisions that they may have otherwise made. -

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