Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 333: Rom 14:1 - 16:27

The subject of chapter 14 is unfortunately one that plagues the church like a hideous, growing cancer - drama. If you've ever spent much time in the church or even more so in the ministry, you no doubt have been exposed to drama like none other. It's no coincidence that this subject is in the Bible because it is one that can tear a body of believers apart faster than anything. All too often, we and our fellow believers find ourselves caught up in little spats over topics such as drinking and smoking or whether or not women can preach in church; all the while, people (people that we have been called to reach) are dying and going to hell having never heard the Gospel preached in such a way that can truly turn them around. I appreciate the way that Paul deals with petty arguments such as this so that we can get our minds off of the little stuff and focus on what's really important. The bottom line from Paul's perspective is this - if you're involved in something that could be interpreted as evil (whether or not it actually is) and could cause your brother to stumble, it's not worth the risk. So I would encourage anyone reading this to re-examine what you're doing and decide whether or not it's worth the risk because there are people out there right now who don't need to be bothered with petty arguments that plague the church, they need to hear the Gospel that will not only get them to heaven, but will ultimately lead them to true victory in every area of their lives.

- Father, help me to not waste my time or yours on the petty arguments that plague today's Christian society, but let me go forward with Your Word and change the world in which I live. Give me the strength and courage to go into every corner of this earth and spread Your love and truth to this lost and dying world. You are the only subject that is truly worthy of discussion. -

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