Thursday, May 13, 2010

Day 340: II Cor 5:1 - 9:15

After spending time in I Corinthians reading about Paul getting onto the Christians in Corinth, it's relieving to see in the second book that they actually did turn things around to live right. It's very easy to read the Bible and find yourself feeling like maybe there's nothing that you can actually do to actually get to the point where you're living in obedience to God's Word, but we can see in this passage that when we are in God, we are new creatures and we no longer have to live by the same old rules and find ourselves beaten down by the same old failures. Being eternally minded is a theme that Paul visits quite often in his writings and it's encouraging to see that this church in Corinth has finally grasped hold of the fact that if we will commit ourselves to being eternally minded, all of the seemingly small things in our lives that are keeping us from achieving what God wants will just crumble under our feet.

- Lord, help me to remember that all things are possible to those of us who love You and are called according to Your purpose. Help me to continue on with my focus not on what I've done wrong or how short I've fallen, but on what I can accomplish if I will trust in You. -

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