Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 332: Rom 10:1 - 13:14

In chapter 11, Paul compares a very familiar feeling with those of Elijah when he describes himself as being one of a "loyal minority." It's interesting to note that Elijah felt that way hundreds of years before Paul and yet we still feel that way nearly 2000 years later. It's important now, as it was then, for us to be reminded of the fact that our focus should never be on ourselves or this seemingly "small" army that we have become members of. As long as we keep our focus on the One leading the army, He'll be sure to keep His focus on His troops. I know at times I've felt like I was the only one for miles and miles who had any sort of relationship with God, but we must remember at times like these that we are not some sort of outsider or mutation, but rather we, the loyal minority, are much more comparable to a rare gem or item of value. Instead of allowing our passion to count us out and force us out of the picture, we can stand strong knowing that we have something that the world needs whether they realize it or not. And just like the army of Gideon we, the minority, can conquer all that God has laid before us, not because of what we can do, but because of Who He is!

- Lord, help me not to be intimidated when I feel outnumbered by those in opposition to Your Word. I know that as long as You're on my side, I don't need anybody else. It's not by my might nor by my power, but by Your spirit that I can move forward and claim my world for You! -

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