Monday, December 8, 2008

Day 114: 2 Kings 4:24 - 6:33

This passage is such a wonderful passage because it's just filled to the brim with good ole miracle stories that I grew up on. It's a great reminder for all of us that God isn't just concerned with the big picture. He doesn't just take care of the huge things like the big callings on our lives, but He's concerned with the smaller details such as keeping us healthy or even making the axe-head float. I remember talking to a man quite sometime ago and according to His opinions, God wanted us all to go to Heaven and He wanted us to get other people to go with us, but He didn't really care about how we went about life right now or what happened to us before we got to Heaven. I think that he was not only looking at life in a very cynical, negative matter, but he was completely bashing God making it sound like God didn't love us nearly enough to help us out with real life. The truth is, God loves us more than we can ever understand and He doesn't just want to take care of the big things in our lives, He wants our whole heart so He can take care of our whole lives. 

- Father, help me to trust You in the small things and not just in the huge, life-changing decisions. It's easy to think that it's just my job to handle the little stuff so You're not bothered by it, but help me to remember that You love me and You want to be as involved in the day to day parts of my life as I will let You. -

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