Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Day 96: 2 Sam 3:1 - 6:22

Finally, after all these years and after going through struggle after struggle after struggle, David was finally chosen to be the King of Israel. Something interesting to point out though, is the fact that even though he was finally accepted as the King of Israel, there was still plenty of drama and there were still plenty of troubles and issues that he had to deal with. It's important to remember this because I think alot of people have this silly notion that once we've stepped into the role that God has for us, all of the problems and issues will just disappear. The truth is that The devil will always see us as a target and once we've really stepped up and begun walking in the capacity that God has for us, we will be just that much more of a target. We must always remember though, that if God can take us through the little troubles that we're seeing right now, he can surely take us above and beyond them in the next level that God has for us.

- Lord, help me to be mindful of the fact that the devil will never stop trying to attack me even when I an standing right in the middle of the place that You've called me to. Help me to always keep my trust in You regardless of whether or not things are "going my way." You will always be my strength and my portion and success, whether real or imagined, can never change that. -

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