Sunday, September 14, 2008

Day 30: EX 32:35 - 35:20

Can you imagine what would've happened if God had actually gone through with leaving the Israelites on their own? It's so incredible to see the impact that one man had on God's decision. God could have done whatever He wanted. He could have taken Moses by himself and made an entire nation out of him and destroyed all the rest of the Israelites, but Moses convinced Him otherwise. The point I'm trying to make here is that God didn't have to change His mind, He did it because He loved Moses and He valued him and what he had to say. So often it's easy to think of God as some all-powerful,  untouchable, being that does whatever He wants, but the truth is, He wants us to be happy. It is so awesome to think that a God that huge and that powerful would be willing to listen to a small, fragile human being and change His mind simply because Moses asked Him to. Now, God won't just change His mind and make exceptions to the rule for just anyone and everyone, but when we are truly in relationship with our Father, His concern is always on us and that is one thing that makes Him so incredibly amazing!

- Lord, thank You for loving me. It's easy to think that You're up there doing Your own thing and we have to stay down here and just hope that we don't cross You, but the fact is that You love us even more than an earthly father loves his children, and Your focus is not on rules or opinions or  even our past, Your focus is on us. Thank You for loving us so much that You were willing to send Your only Son just to be able to be with us. Although Your love is higher than this human mind could ever comprehend, help me to somehow learn to love like You do. - 

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